Our Mission

MA Women for Progress supports electoral candidates and issues that align with progressive values, and opposes those that don’t.


Womens Rights Equal Pay Career Readiness for Girls Childcare Progress

Making the economy for everyone

Women bear the brunt of many economic hardships, from student debt to spikes in the cost of living, to fair compensation for equal work. COVID-19 has only made it harder for women to get ahead. We need leaders who know the importance of these issues and will champion universal, affordable childcare, expanded trade and tech job opportunities for women, and create new educational programs focused on career readiness for girls. We know that by focusing on these areas we will close gaps for everyone.

Massachusetts Women for Progress Reproductive and Maternal Health

Reproductive and Maternal Health

Recent attacks on reproductive health will exacerbate health disparities, especially among low-income women, BIPOC women, women with disabilities, and members of the LGBTQ+ community. We must work to eliminate inequalities in maternal and postpartum care. We need to protect those who are pushed off the policy table.

Massachusetts Women for Progress Domestic Violence Prevention

Domestic Violence and public safety

Intimate partner homicides make up approximately half of women killed each year in the US. We need more leaders in state government who will prioritize domestic violence prevention, promotion of healthy relationships, and support for survivors of domestic and sexual violence. We must tackle the root causes of violence and invest resources in safe and healthy communities for all.

Mass Women for Progress in Government

Representation matters

Central Mass has elected a number of historic women to office in recent years, including Harriet Chandler who blazed a trail as the first woman elected from Worcester to the State Senate. This year, one quarter of the women in the Massachusetts Senate are leaving. We need to elect more people who have the urgency of living women's issues every day. Representation matters.  The personal experiences that we have shape the way that we see the world, and it’s important that those be represented in government. 


No country can ever truly flourish if it stifles the potential of its women and deprives itself of the contributions of half of its citizens.

-Michelle Obama